Monday, November 11, 2013

October 4th - October 9th

What We Are Learning
Reading: This week we learned about character traits.  We used adjectives to describe characters on the inside and the outside.
Writing: In writing this week we really focused on revising and editing our nonfiction chapter books.  I have been so impressed with how much effort everyone has been using.  Ask your child what topic they have chosen to write about.
Math: This week in math we continued to learn about attributes of 2D shapes. Ask your child about how to play the game Guess My Rule.
Theme:  Your child learned about Veteran’s Day.  We incorporated math and writing while learning about this important holiday. We created a soldier using only 2D shapes and brainstormed adjectives that describe veterans.

Prize Box
Our prize box is pretty depleted these days. We are in desperate need of individually wrapped candy, stickers, tattoos, small toys, etc. If you would be willing to donate any of these items, your generosity would be GREATLY appreciated!   

Headphones Needed
We are very lucky to have 5 iPads in our classroom.  Your child has access to these devices on a daily bases. Because they are used so often, we are in need of some good quality headphones that will be able to withstand being used so frequently.  If you would be willing to donate some headphones to our classroom, your generosity would be GREATLY appreciated!

Word Wall Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Word Wall Words. 
This week’s word wall words:
ball, as, be, by, & day

Last week’s word wall words:
had, they, will, too, & all

Fall Weather

Fall weather is on its way!  Please make sure your child is properly dressed for outside recess. We will go out every day as long as the weather is 32 degrees or above and the wind-chill is 25 degrees or above. There is a strong wind that blows across the playground.  Your child needs to have a jacket so they can enjoy recess comfortably! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

October 28th-November 1st

What We Are Learning
Reading: This week we learned about how to retell a story using story elements (characters, setting, problem, events, and solution). Ask your child about the strategy 5 Finger Retelling. 

Writing: We continued to write nonfiction chapter books.  We focused on how to use illustrations to help our readers understand our writing. 

Math: This week in math we started a new unit on 2 and 3 dimensional shapes. We learned the following terms: vertices, sides, square, rectangle, triangle, rhombus, trapezoid, half circle, and quarter circle.  Ask your child to explain these terms.

Parent Teacher Conferences
I am happy to announce that we had 100% attendance during Parent Teacher Conferences.  Thank you all so much for taking time to discuss your child’s progress.  I hope you found the Student Led format beneficial and it gave you insight into your child’s strengths and weaknesses.   I truly enjoyed meeting with all of you!

A couple of week ago, I sent home a note describing a wonderful program called Book-It. If your child reads 20 books they get a FREE personalized pizza from Pizza Hut.  To help your child read good fit books, I also sent home several paper books on your child’s reading level. Please read these books with your child and have them fill out the Reading Record.  Also, your child can visit to access books on their level as well. Happy Reading!

Veteran’s Day Assembly
The Veteran’s Day Assembly is scheduled for Friday, November 8th at 9:00. We would like to invite all veterans to this memorable assembly.

Word Wall Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Word Wall Words. 
This week’s word wall words:
had, they, will, too, & all

Last week’s word wall words:
get, come, got, play, & was

Dates to Remember
November 5th- No School
November 8th- Veteran’s Day Assembly
November 8th- Fall Parties 2:00
November 12th- PTO Meeting