Wednesday, February 24, 2016

February 22nd - February 26th

What We Are Learning
Finding evidence in the text we read to answer questions
Going back in the text to prove our answers
Word Work:
Popcorn Words: teacher, quit, rain, favorite, & out
Word Chunk: “oe”
Word Family: “_ell”
Opinion Writing
Using a writer’s checklist to edit our writing
Using lots of details to convince our readers
2D shape review (square, triangle, rectangle, hexagon, & trapezoid)
Identifying shape attributes (sides and corners)
American Symbols
Researching the American Flag, the Liberty Bell, and the Bald Eagle

Spring Conferences
This year’s Spring Conferences will be March 22nd and 24th. These conferences will be different from fall conferences in that they are not student-led but more conversation focused and a chance to look at data about your child’s growth this year. I am asking that your child doesn’t attend. Notes went home on Friday. Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Read Across America
Next week is Read Across America.  This is when we celebrate Dr. Seuss’ birth and emphasize the importance of reading.  Here are some events that are happening next week:
Monday: Nothing
Tuesday: Bring a quarter and wear your favorite hat
Wednesday: Nothing
Thursday: Wear Stripes
Friday: PJ Day

Dates to Remember
March 3rd: First Grade Musical
March 4th:  End of 3rd Quarter and Dismiss at 12:30
March 7th- March 11th: Spring Break
March 22nd & March 24th: Spring Conferences

March 28th: Make Up Snow Day

Sunday, February 21, 2016

February 15th - February 19th

What We Are Learning
Identifying the characters, setting, problems, and solutions in the stories we read
Exploring how characters can change throughout a story

Word Work:
Popcorn Words: brother, jump, kick, sister, & talk
Word Chunk: “ay”
Word Family: “_ick”

Opinion Writing
Using a writer’s checklist to edit our writing
Using lots of details to convince our readers

Solving word problems with the words “how many more” (Example: Mrs. Happel has 12 pieces of candy. Mrs. Phinney has 9 pieces of candy. How many more pieces of candy does Mrs. Happel have?
Writing word problems with the words “how many more”

President’s Day
Researching George Washington

Snow Make Up Days
We will make up those two snow days on March 28th and May 20th. Mark your calendars! 

Spring Conferences
This year Spring Conferences will be March 22nd and 24th. These conferences will be different from fall conferences in that they are not student-led but more conversation focused and a chance to look at data about your child’s growth this year. I am asking that your child doesn’t attend. Notes went home on Friday. Please read yours carefully for the directions on how to sign up and when to send them back. I am excited for the chance to meet with you and chat about how your kiddo has grown this quarter! Please let me know if you have any questions! 

Dates to Remember
February 24th: Tiger Pride Assembly 2:30
March 3rd: First Grade Musical
March 4th:  End of 3rd Quarter and Dismiss at 12:30
March 7th- March 11th: Spring Break

March 22nd & March 24th: Spring Conferences

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

February 8th - February 12th

What We Are Learning
Reading stories fluently and with expression
Using character’s voices to make the story come to life
Word Work:
Popcorn Words: school, children, boy, animal, & night
Word Chunk: “ow” (examples: bow & snow) & “ow” (examples: cow & plow)
Word Family: “_ate”
Opinion Writing
Using a writer’s checklist to edit our writing
Solving word problems with missing numbers (11-_=9)
Writing word problems with missing numbers
Valentine’s Day
My Heart is Full of…
Heart craft

Snow Make Up Days
We will make up those two snow days on March 28th and May 20th. Mark your calendars! 

Mrs. Happel’s BIG News
Your kiddo might have already informed you that my husband Justin and I are expecting our second child.  We are pretty excited!  Don’t worry! The baby is not expected to arrive until July.  This means that I will not have to miss any schools days this year. 

Spring Conferences
This year Spring Conferences will be the week of March 22nd.  Specific days have not been decided yet.  I will be sending more information about this as time get closer.

Dates to Remember
February 15th- No School
February 24th- Tiger Pride Assembly 2:30
March 3rd- First Grade Musical

March 22nd- Week of Spring Conferences

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

February 1st - February 5th

What We Are Learning
Retelling stories using only important events and characters’ names
Retelling stories using details from the beginning, middle, and end of a story

Word Work:
Popcorn Words: gave, us, saw, house, & want
Word Chunk: “ou” & “ow”
Word Family: “_ash”

Opinion Writing
Brainstormed topics we can write opinions about
Adding more details to our opinion writing

Solving word problems with missing numbers (3+_=11)
Writing word problems with missing numbers

Types of matter
How can matter change?
Conducted a matter experiment

Valentine’s Day Party
Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Friday, February 12th.  For this day, your child is invited to bring valentines to pass out, as well as a box or bag to keep their valentines safe.

Your child can make a Valentine Box (or bag) at home.  They can be as simple as a decorated brown paper bag or as complicated as papier-mâché. It’s up to you!  Just make sure          there is an opening for first graders to easily place their valentines into.

Your child needs to bring a valentine for each child in our class. These can be store bought or homemade! (If your family does not have the resources to provide valentines for your child, please let me know and your child can make some at school.)

 Please be sure to send your child’s valentines and valentine boxes ON February 12th.  Our room can get really crowded, so please do not send them ahead of time.

Dates to Remember
February 12th- Dismiss at 12:30 & Valentine’s Day Party
February 15th- No School
February 24th- Tiger Pride Assembly 2:30

March 3rd- First Grade Musical