We Are Learning
up Daily 5 reading structure
to do “Work on Writing”
to build reading and writing stamina
writers write
strategies for unknown words
Word Work
- Sight words: the,
of, and, in, to
- Word family: -at Blend/Digraph: ch
- Strategy: Writing
one word or each word said
Writing: Narrative
Genre/Stories from our Lives
Introducing narrative genre and
differentiating between true and fake details
Steps to planning a book
How to share and listen during
Author’s Chair
Unit 1-lessons 6-8
Solving addition and subtraction
problems within 10 using various strategies and knowing equations are made up
of“part, part, whole”
· Counting
· Missing
· Putting
· Taking
Introduction to math stations for
fluency practice
Growth Mindset
Determining the difference between
a fixed and growth mindset
There is no “can’t”, but there is “I
Goal setting for something we can’t
do YET
Family Photo
I would love to have every student
bring a small family photo to display in our classroom. This will help your kiddo feel more at home,
and I know they will be super excited to show off their family.
Math Homework
I am not a big
supporter of having homework every night.
I am a firm believer that your child has worked hard all day at school,
and they need a break at home. Also, as
a mother, I know how important family time is.
Because of this, I will not be making homework mandatory. It will be
sent home but you have the option of completing it with your child.
My hope is that you can use this as a resource
to help your child and to understand what we are learning in the classroom. If
you complete the homework with your child, that is FANTASTIC! Simply place it
back in your kiddo’s folder, and I will celebrate them for continuing to learn
at home
Dates to Remember
August 31st
3rd: No School
21st- Willard Homecoming Parade
(all students attend by bus) and dismiss at 12:30
October 5th
– WOHE Fall Carnival