Wednesday, October 31, 2018

November 29th - November 2nd

What We Are Learning
Reading: Non-Fiction
·       How to change our voice to a “teaching” or “expert” voice when reading non-fiction
·       Identifying the main idea of a non-fiction text
·       Finding supporting details of the main ideas of a non-fiction text

Word Work
·       Sight words: she, will, how, them, & up
·       Word family: -ay
·       Blends: st, str, sw, tw, qu
·       Vowels

Writing: Teaching Books (Nonfiction)
·       How to write the middle (3 facts) of a nonfiction book
·       How to end a non-fiction book
·       How to draw NF illustrations

Math: Unit 4-Lessons 5-8
·       Connecting addition and subtraction
·       Word Problems with facts to 20
·       Explaining subtraction strategy used

Theme: Pumpkins
·       What do we already know about pumpkins?
·       Amazing facts about pumpkins
·       Pumpkin schema writing project

I am so proud of all my friends who read 20 books last month and earned their FREE PIZZA from Pizza Hut!  I sent home a new recording sheet for November. 

It is SO important that your kiddo reads at home with you.  They can access eBooks from the Raz Kids website.

User Name: Orchard1b

Happy Reading!

Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come and discuss your child’s progress with me.  I really enjoyed visiting with everyone.  If you were unable to make it this week, I would love to reschedule for another day.

Class Pictures
I plan on uploading several pictures onto our classroom website. Click on the Classroom Pictures tab and check them out!

Dates to Remember
November 2nd November 6th: Fall Break (NO SCHOOL)

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

October 15th - October 19th

What We Are Learning
·       Accuracy Strategy-Does it make sense?
·       Comprehension Strategy-Backup and Reread

Word Work
·       Sight words: play, thing, zoo, nice, ride
·       Word family: -ay  Blend/Digraph: fr, gr, pr,

Writing: Narrative Genre/Stories from our Lives
·       Reviewing having a beginning, middle, and end
·       Using a checklist to check over writing
·       Writer’s Celebration

Math: Unit 4
·       Counting on or back to subtract
·       Making 10 to subtract
·       Fact Families

Red Ribbon Week
Next week is RED RIBBON week!

Monday: “Follow your Dreams” PJ Day
Tuesday: “Drugs Hurt” Fake Injury Day
Wednesday: “Give Drugs the Boot” Western Day
Thursday: “Wear Red from Head to Toe” Wear Red Day
Friday: “Willard Tigers Keep Their Paws Off of Drugs” Wear Willard Shirt

Fall Party
Our Party will be October 31st at 2pm.  Come and enjoy the fun!

This week your kiddo came home with information about a website called Raz-Kids in their take home folder. This is a great website that allows your child to have access to hundreds of eBooks. You can also download a free app for your iPad/iPhone or Android device as well.

User Name: orchard1b

Fall Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 30th and November 1st

Mrs. Happel Out of Town
I will be out of town October 18 October 22nd.  I know having a sub can be hard.  Please encourage your kiddo to continue to work hard while I’m gone! :0)

Fall Wonder Table
Last week I sent home a letter requesting fall items to place on our Wonder Table.  These can be pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc. These items will help us learn about observing, asking questions, and investigating answers.

Dates to Remember
October 18th-October 2nd: Mrs. Happel out of town
October 19th: Dismiss at 12:30 and Tiger Pride Assembly
October 30th November 1st: Conferences
October 31st: Fall Party 2pm 

Thursday, October 11, 2018

October 8th - October 12th

What We Are Learning
Reading: Accuracy in Reading Words
·       Reading: Accuracy in Reading Words
·       Chunk  letters and sounds together
·       Look for smaller words inside bigger words

Word Work
·       Sight words: what, all, when, but, & we
·       Word family: -all  Blend/Digraph: br, cr, gl, pl, sl

Writing: Narrative Genre/Stories from our Lives
·       Bringing stories to Life: Make characters move and talk by adding action words and dialogue

Math: Unit 3
·       Doubles + 1  facts
·       doubles + 2 facts
·       Strategies for solving addition problems review
·       Unit 3 assessment

Theme: The Sun is a Source of Energy
·       “Keep it Cool” design challenge: designing and testing a model of a sun shelter
·       Types of heat energy (stove, microwave, fire, etc.)

Fall Wonder Table
Last week I sent home a letter requesting fall items to place on our Wonder Table.  These can be pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc. These items will help us learn about observing, asking questions, and investigating answers.

This week your kiddo came home with information about a website called Raz-Kids in their take home folder. This is a great website that allows your child to have access to hundreds of eBooks. You can also download a free app for your iPad/iPhone or Android device as well.

User Name: orchard1b

Fall Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 30th and November 1st.  I sent home information and a signup sheet in your child’s take home folder last week. The times are on a first come, first serve basis, so please return your time preferences as soon as you can.

Fall Party
Our Party will be October 31st at 2pm.  Come and enjoy the fun!

Dates to Remember
October 18th-0ctober 2nd: Mrs. Happel out of town
October 19th: Dismiss at 12:30 and Tiger Pride Assembly
October 30th November 1st: Conferences
October 31st: Fall Party 2pm

Thursday, October 4, 2018

October 1st - October 5th

What We Are Learning
Reading: Accuracy in Reading Words
·       Reading: Accuracy in Reading Words
·       Chunk  letters and sounds together
·       Look for smaller words inside bigger words
Word Work
·       Sight words: from, have, I, had, not
·       Word family: -ad  Blend/Digraph: bl, cl, fl, gl
Writing: Narrative Genre/Stories from our Lives
·       Choosing the BEST and MOST important details for the middle of our stories
·       Bringing stories to Life: Make characters move and talk by adding action words and dialogue
Math: Unit 3-Lessons 2-6
·       Using an open number line to add
·       Memorizing doubles addition facts
·       Doubles + 1  facts
·       doubles + 2 facts
·       Making 10 to add
Theme: The Sun is a Source of Energy
·       “Keep it Cool” design challenge: designing and testing a model of a sun shelter
·       Evaluating sun shelter model
·       Writing about model and sharing results with the class
Fall Wonder Table
Last week I sent home a letter requesting fall items to place on our Wonder Table.  These can be pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc. These items will help us learn about observing, asking questions, and investigating answers.
Little Debbie Snacks
THANK YOU all so much for donating Little Debbie Snacks for our Fall Festival!!!!
This week your kiddo came home with information about a website called Raz-Kids in their take home folder. This is a great website that allows your child to have access to hundreds of eBooks. You can also download a free app for your iPad/iPhone or Android device as well.

User Name: orchard1b
Fall Conferences
Parent Teacher Conferences will be October 30th and November 1st.  I sent home information and a signup sheet in your child’s take home folder this week. The times are on a first come, first serve basis, so please return your time preferences as soon as you can.