Friday, January 25, 2019

January 21st- January 25th

What We Are Learning
Reading: Fiction-Problem and Solution & Retelling
·       Identifying and writing about the problem and solution in a story
·       Using all the elements of a story to retell the beginning, middle, and end

Word Work
·       Sight words: friend, can’t, won’t, pretty, best
·       Phonics: contractions

Writing: Teaching Books (opinion)
·       Parts of an opinion book
·       Choosing a topic for an opinion book
·       Supporting your opinion with at least 3 details
·       Using transition words (First, Next, Finally, etc.)

Math: Topic 9: Lessons 4-6
·       Comparing Numbers with symbols and words (greater, less, equal to)
·       Comparing 10s and 1s

Theme: Precipitation
·       Types of precipitation
·       Rain experiment
·        Precipitation visual project
Valentine Boxes
On Thursday February 14th, we will be having our Valentine’s Day Celebration! Your kiddo is invited to create a Valentine’s box at home and then bring it to school on that day. I will be sending more information home about the party as time gets closer.

At Home Reading
It is very important that your kiddo reads nightly at home.  If you would like to have books sent home on your child’s level, just let me know!  I have been hesitant to send books home because sometimes they are not returned.  The only thing that I ask is that when your child is done reading the books, they send them right back to school.  Then I will send out a new selection of books. 
Dates to Remember
January 31st-All Pro Dad’s Breakfast
February 7th-Spring Pictures
February 14th-Class Parties (2:00-3:00)
February 15th-1/2 day for students (dismiss at 12:30)
March 22nd- Field Trip to Nature Center

Friday, January 18, 2019

January 14th - January 18th

What We Are Learning
Reading: Nonfiction
  • Identifying characters and settings
  • Retelling stories
Word Work
·       Sight words: because, here, come, look, why
·       Phonics: “Vowel Teams”-ai & ay
Writing: Teaching Books (opinion)
·       Parts of an opinion book
·       Choosing a topic for an opinion book
·       Supporting your opinion with at least 3 details
·       Using transition words (First, Next, Finally, etc.)

Math: Topics 8 & 9
·       Review Topic 8 (Tens and Ones)
·       Topic 8 Test
·       Topic 9: Lessons 1-3
·       Finding numbers on the 100s chart
·       Adding and subtracting 10s and 1s on the chart
·       Comparing Numbers with symbols and words (greater, less, equal to)
 Theme: Martin Luther King, Jr.
·       Who was MLK and what did he believe
·       Meaning of “I have a dream
·       “I have a dream writing and craft

At Home Reading
It is very important that your kiddo reads nightly at home.  If you would like to have books sent home on your child’s level, just let me know!  I have been hesitant to send books home because sometimes they are not returned.  The only thing that I ask is that when your child is done reading the books, they send them right back to school.  Then I will send out a new selection of books. 

Class Pictures
I uploaded several new pictures onto our classroom website. Click on the Classroom Pictures tab and check them out!

Dates to Remember
January 21st- Martin Luther King, Jr Day (NO SCHOOL)
January 31st-All Pro Dad’s Breakfast
March 22nd- Field Trip to Nature Center