Thursday, August 29, 2013

August 26th - August 30th

What We Are Learning
Reading: We added the Work on Writing element to our Daily Five Literacy Café this week. We also continued to work on building stamina so that students are reading and writing completely independently.

Writing: This week we started our writer’s workshop. Your child is working on drafting small moment stories. Ask your child about the strategy Touch and Tell, Sketch, Then Write!

Math: During math this week we were busy learning about adding and subtracting numbers using a number line.  We also practiced counting and writing numbers to 120.  This is a skill I encourage you all to work on with your child. You can make it fun by using different movements or silly voices.

Theme: Your child was introduced to their poetry notebook this week.  We will use this to enjoy the rhythm and rhyming that poetry provides.  This notebook will also allow us to work on word work concepts throughout the year. Ask your child which poem they enjoyed the most this week.

Word Wall Words
Each week your child will be introduced to new sight words. Your child’s teacher last year probably called them Popcorn Words.  Willard is moving away from traditional spelling tests.  However, it is VERY important that you review these words with your child each week.  Even though they will not be tested on these words, please have your child practice reading, writing, and spelling them.  How well your child knows these words will be reflected on their grade card each quarter.  

This week’s word wall words:
the   I   to   a   is

Grade Cards
Your grade cards will look VERY different this year due to the change to standards- based grading. Please be prepared for that as well as information about how you can help your student at home. I will be sending home details about what your student is expected to be able to know and do this year. The first grade standards have been raised from last year; so we need to work together to support our students as much as possible. Please let me know what questions you have about this.

Dates to Remember
September 2nd- No School (Labor Day)
September 20th- Dismiss at 12:30

September 25th- First Tiger Pride Assembly

Sunday, August 25, 2013

A Successful First Full Week of School!

What We Are Learning
Reading:  At Orchard Hills we integrate our reading instruction with a structure called the “Daily Five.” The five literacy components are Read to Self, Read to Someone, Listen to Reading, Word Work, and Work on Writing. Students will circulate through at least 3 of these components on a daily basis, while I meet with Reading Groups based on reading level, individually conference with students, and meet with Strategy Groups. This week we focused on building stamina during Read to Self. I also began administering individual assessments to determine which letters and sounds your child has mastered and which we need to focus on.
Writing: This week we learned what writer’s workshop should look and sound like.  Next week we will start our first writing unit. Your child will draft several small moment stories. I can already tell we have some very talented writers in our class!
Math: During math this week, we stated our first unit.  This unit involves adding and subtracting numbers within 10.  I also began assessing students on number recognition.  This will help guide my instruction.
Theme: In order to establish a positive classroom community, we worked on several character building activities this week.  Ask your child about the book Chrysanthemum by Kevin Henkes and how words are like toothpaste!

Special Thanks
I want to send out a special thanks to all who donated items from our classroom wish list!  We greatly appreciate your generosity.  These items will help us have a productive year! Feel free to frequently view our classroom website where I will post items throughout the year as we need them.   

Special Class Schedule
Monday- Computers
Tuesday- P.E.
Wednesday- Music
Thursday- Art
Friday- Library

Always Remember…
I want you to always feel free to contact me through school (417-869-0600) or by e-mail ( If you have any questions, send a note in your child’s take home folder, and I will write a quick response back.

Dates to Remember

September 2nd- No School (Labor Day)