Thursday, April 28, 2016

April 25th - April 29th

What We Are Learning
Reading nonfiction text
Going back in the text to find answers to questions
Word Work:
Popcorn Words: myself, everyone, few, being, & really
Word Chunk: “oa” & “ur”
Word Family: “aw”
Writing Realistic Fiction Stories
Fourth quarter writing prompt (this piece will be scored using a rubric and will be reflected on your child’s grade card)
Fraction review
Dividing shapes into quarters and halves
Classifying animals (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, etc.). 

Guided Reading Books
If your child has a guided reading envelope and/or a guided reading book at home from any previous weeks, could you please return it to school as soon as possible. We are making sure our guided reading library is intact and ready for next year, and if you could help us out with making sure they are all returned, it would be greatly appreciated!

Field Day
Field Day will be Monday, May 16th. This will be a really exciting day.  Coach has planned several water activities. Here is what your child needs to bring that day:
•        An extra change of clothes and shoes
•        Sunscreen
•        Tennis shoes that are ok to get dirty
•        Sack lunch from home or school sack lunch
First grade will have Field Day in the morning.  Your child will be pretty miserable the rest of the day if they do not bring an extra set of clothes!

Summer School
Summer school registration forms came home in your child’s take home folder several weeks ago.  Forms have to be completed ONLINE by May 2nd.  I encourage everyone to attend summer school. Even if your child is doing well academically, summer break is very long.  Most students lose some of the progress they made during the school year.   Keep that in mind while making your summer plans.

Dates to Remember
May 5th: Talent Show
May 16th: Field Day

May 20th: Last Day of School Dismiss at 12:30

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April 18th- April 22nd

What We Are Learning
Reading nonfiction text
Going back in the text to find answers to questions

Word Work:
Popcorn Words: everything, wouldn’t, need, kind, & different.
Word Chunk: “ee” & “ou”
Word Family: “ow”

Writing Realistic Fiction Stories
Using quotations when our characters talk
Replacing the word “said” with fancier words

Identifying 2D shapes (square, rectangle, triangle, hexagon, and trapezoid)
Reviewing shape attributes (sides and corners)

Classifying animals (mammals, reptiles, amphibians, etc.). 

Summer School
Summer school registration forms came home in your child’s take home folder several weeks ago.  Forms have to be completed ONLINE by May 2nd.  I encourage everyone to attend summer school. Even if your child is doing well academically, summer break is very long.  Most students lose some of the progress they made during the school year.   Keep that in mind while making your summer plans.

Read! Read! Read!
Can you believe that first grade is almost over? That means that end of the year reading assessments are right around the corner.  Willard has very high reading expectations.  Please make time to read with your child nightly. Thank you all for your support!

Wonder Table
Now that spring has finally arrived, I would love to update our wonder table.  Keep an eye out for spring time items that we can observe. Your child is invited to bring in budding flowers, interesting plants, and yes…even insects (no spiders please)! All I am asking is that you make sure all insects are in a secure container.  We will observe them and then release them outside.  Keep your eyes open for signs of spring!

Dates to Remember
April 27th: Tiger Pride Assembly
May 16th: Field Day

May 20th: Last Day of School

Thursday, April 7, 2016

April 4th - April 8th

What We Are Learning
Good readers make predictions using evidence from the text and picture clues

Word Work:
Popcorn Words: couldn’t, either, thought, they’re, & while
Word Chunk: “ui”
Word Family: “oat”

Writing Realistic Fiction Stories
Writing stories that have characters, a problem, and a solution
Making our characters come to life by using dialogue, describing events step by step, and describing our character feelings

Place Value
Using the 120 chart to identify numbers
Finding 10 more, 10 less, 20 more, and 20 less for a specific number using the 12o chart

What plants need to grow
Bean experiment and observing

Nature Center Field Trip
We had such a wonderful time on our field trip this week.  Thank you all who came and enjoyed the day with us.  For those of you who were unable to make it, I have uploaded several pictures onto my classroom website (  Click on the Classroom Pictures tab to view them.

We only have 6 weeks of first grade left! Can you believe it? Please make reading a priority at home.  End of the year DRA testing is approaching fast.  Any additional reading practice will greatly benefit your child. 

Wonder Table
Now that spring has finally arrived, I would love to update our wonder table.  Keep an eye out for spring time items that we can observe. Your child is invited to bring in budding flowers, interesting plants, and yes…even insects (no spiders please)! All I am asking is that you make sure all insects are in a secure container.  We will observe them and then release them outside.  Keep your eyes open for signs of spring!

Dates to Remember
April 27th: Tiger Pride Assembly
May 16th: Field Day

May 20th: Last Day of School