Thursday, February 26, 2015

February 23rd - February 27th

What We Are Learning
Reading:  This week we took a closer look at nonfiction books.  We learned that we read nonfiction books to learn new information about a topic. We also looked at nonfiction text features (glossary, bold words, table of contents, etc.).
Alphabet: In alphabet this week, we looked at the _et word family (examples: get, bet, set, etc.). We learned how to “spell” these words with our bodies.  We also learned about the blends cl and cr.
Writing:  This week we continued writing nonfiction/fact books. We learned that good readers reread their writing and fix mistakes they find.  We also practiced breaking words into syllables to make them easier to spell.
Math: We continued our addition and subtraction unit this week. We reviewed subtraction and addition story problems.
Theme: During theme this week, we learned all about George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Ask your child about facts they learned about these two presidents.

Spring Conferences
This year our school will be doing spring parent teacher conferences for the first time. They will be March 24th and March 26th.  These conferences will be different from fall conferences in that they are not student-led but more of a conversation focus and a chance to look at data about your child’s growth this year. I will be sending more information home on Friday!

Dry Erase Markers
Can you believe that I am asking for dray erase makers again?! Well…we are in need again!  We use these markers every day in our classroom.  If you can, we would love to have some donated. Thank you all for your generosity!

Popcorn Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Popcorn Words.
This week’s words:
with & this
Previous words:
love, him, will, play, she, did, for, of, you, come, here, have, said, are, got, get, it, on, had, has, he, do, look, in, like, and, a, up, at, I, see, am, we, to, the, is, my, can, me, & go

McTeacher Night
On Tuesday, March 3rd from 4-8pm come and support Orchard Hills at the McDonalds on Chestnut Expressway and West Bypass.  WOHE gets a portion of the sales. The best part is that the faculty from Orchard Hills will be taking orders, selling cookies, and having fun! I plan on being there from 4-5pm. Come, have dinner, and help support our school!

Dates to Remember
February 27th: Red Tree Movie Night 6:00pm
March 3rd: McTeacher Night
March 6th: Dismiss at 12:30

March 7th- March 13th: No School/Spring Break

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

February 9th- February 13th

What We Are Learning
Reading:  This week we looked at the difference between fiction and nonfiction text.  We are using this information to help make our nonfiction books we are writing better.
Alphabet: In alphabet this week, we looked at the _an word family (examples: can, tan, fan, etc.).  We also learned about the blends bl and br.
Writing:  This week we continued writing nonfiction/fact books. We used some of the nonfiction text features we learned about in reading in our nonfiction books we are writing.
Math: We continued our addition and subtraction unit this week. We looked at all the different ways to make 10. Ask your child about number bonds and our numbers to 10 rainbow.
Theme: During theme this week, we discussed what love is. We also learned how to create valentine cards.

It is so important that you read with your child at home.  Kindergarten reading expectations are very high in Willard. By the end of this quarter, you child should be reading at a level D/6 independently. There is a HUGE jump between C/4 and D/6 leveled books.  Each week your child comes home with a Guided Reading Envelope. This is a book your child should be familiar with and have practiced several times.  Please reading this book with your child and have them bring it back to school.  This way I can send a new book home on your child’s level each week. Thank you all for supporting your kiddo’s reading development!

McTeacher Night
On Tuesday, March 3rd from 4-8pm come and support Orchard Hills at the McDonalds on Chestnut Expressway and West Bypass.  WOHE gets a portion of the sales. The best part is that the faculty from Orchard Hills will be taking orders, selling cookies, and having fun!  Come and have dinner and help support our school!

Popcorn Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Popcorn Words.
This week’s words:
love & him
Previous words:
will, play, she, did, for, of, you, come, here, have, said, are, got, get, it, on, had, has, he, do, look, in, like, and, a, up, at, I, see, am, we, to, the, is, my, can, me, & go

Dates to Remember
February 16th: No School
March 3rd: McTeacher Night
March 6th: Dismiss at 12:30

March 7th- March 13th: No School/Spring Break

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Important Updates:

Make Up Snow Day:
Just in case you haven’t heard, this next week will be different due to our surprise snow day this last week.
Friday, February 13th: We WILL have school
Monday, February 16th: School is out for students but will still be a teacher work day.

Valentine’s Day Party:
Our Valentine’s Party will still be on Thursday afternoon at 2:15.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

Show and Tell Day:
I’m extremely happy to inform you all that our class has earned another classroom celebration for awesome behavior! We voted on several activities we would like our reward to be.  The majority of the class chose to have a Show and Tell Day. On Friday, February 13th, your child is invited to bring something special to show their classmates. This item must be SMALL enough to fit inside your child’s backpack and cannot be anything electronic. I have also reminded everyone that sometimes items break or get lost. They should not bring anything that is too sentimental or valuable.  So, congratulate your child on their awesome behavior and encourage them to keep up the good work.

Thursday, February 5, 2015

February 2nd - February 6th

What We Are Learning
Reading:  This week we learned a new reading strategy to solve tricky words.  Skippy Frog reminds us we can skip a word, think about what makes sense, and reread the sentence.
Alphabet: This week we started looking at word families. We started with the _at family (example: cat, rat, mat, etc.). We practiced creating words that rhyme with at. We also learned what two sounds the diagraph “th” makes.
Writing:  This week we continued writing nonfiction/fact books. We made sure that our stories do not have “floating letters” and reviewed that each word has to have a vowel in it.
Math: We continued our addition and subtraction unit this week. We reviewed subtraction strategies and practiced subtracting from 10.
Theme: During theme this week, we learned about Groundhog’s Day.  We researched what groundhogs are, what groundhogs have, and what groundhogs can do. Did you know that groundhogs are woodchucks? Your child should be an expert! Ask them what they learned!

Valentine’s Day Party
Our Valentine’s Day party will be on Thursday, February 12th.  For this day, your child is invited to bring valentines to pass out, as well as a box or bag to keep their valentines safe.

Your child can make a Valentine Box (or bag) at home.  They can be as simple as a decorated brown paper bag or as complicated as papier-mâché. It’s up to you!  Just make sure there is an opening for kindergarteners to easily place their valentines into.

Your child needs to bring a valentine for each child in our class. These can be store bought or homemade! (If your family does not have the resources to provide valentines for your child, please let me know and your child can make some at school.)

Please be sure to send your child’s valentines and valentine boxes ON February 12th.  Our room can get really crowded, so please do not send them ahead of time.

Popcorn Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Popcorn Words.
This week’s words:
will & play
Previous words:
she, did, for, of, you, come, here, have, said, are, got, get, it, on, had, has, he, do, look, in, like, and, a, up, at, I, see, am, we, to, the, is, my, can, me, & go

Dates to Remember
February 12th: Valentine’s Day Party
February 13th: No School
February 16th: No School
March 3rd: McTeacher Night
March 6th: Dismiss at 12:30

March 7th- March 13th: No School/Spring Break

Monday, February 2, 2015

January 26th- January 30th

What We Are Learning
Reading:  This week we learned a new reading strategy to solve tricky words.  Chunky Monkey reminds us to look for parts of a word we know (examples: -sh, -ch, -ing, -s, etc.).
Alphabet: We learned how to chunk words by beginning consonant sounds (example: bl-ack). We also learned how to put these words back together. This skill is called onset and rime. We also learned what sounds wh & ph make. 
Writing:  This week we started writing nonfiction/fact books. We brainstormed animals or things we know a lot of information about.  We are now working on writing nonfiction books about the topics we chose
Math: We started a new unit on addition and subtraction this week. This unit will review adding and subtracting facts fluently within 5 and using strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems within 10. We will also review how to solve story problems as well.
Theme: During theme this week, we looked at the difference between the daytime sky and the nighttime sky. We discussed what you see in the sky and what you do during these times of day.

Valentine’s Day Party
On Thursday February 12th, we will be having our Valentine’s Day Celebration! Your student is invited to create a Valentine’s boxes at home and then bring them to school on that day. I will be sending more information home about the party as time gets closer.

Popcorn Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Popcorn Words.
This week’s words:
she & did
Previous words:
for, of, you, come, here, have, said, are, got, get, it, on, had, has, he, do, look, in, like, and, a, up, at, I, see, am, we, to, the, is, my, can, me, & go

Dates to Remember
February 6th: Spring Pictures
February 12th: Valentine’s Day Party
February 13th: No School

February 16th: No School