Wednesday, August 30, 2017

August 28th - September 1st

What We Are Learning
How does “Work on Writing” during Daily 5 look and sound?
Building stamina during “Read to Self” and “Work on Writing”
Reading is thinking!
Word Work:
Word Wall Words: the, and, to, in, & of
Digraph: “th”
Word Family: _and
Writing small moment/true stories
Picking a topic and writing across pages
Topic 1: Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10
Math facts to 10
Word problems to 10
Building a classroom community
Read the book The Jelly Donut Difference
How to “sprinkle” happiness
Donut craft to accompany our writing

Text Reminders
Make sure you sign up to receive text reminders from me. I’ve only had a handful of families sign up so far. Flip this paper over to see how it works!

Word Wall Words
Each week your child will be introduced to new sight words. I call them popcorn words because they “POP UP” a lot when we read.  Willard has moved away from traditional spelling tests.  However, it is VERY important that you review these words with your child each week.  Even though they will not be tested on these words, please have your child practice reading, writing, and spelling them.  How well your child knows these words will be reflected on their grade card each quarter. 
First Quarter Popcorn Words
     the                   it                         fun
     of                     with                     girl
     and                   was                      his
     in                     for                       they
     to                     on                         at
     he                    are                       be
     is                       am                        this
     you                   car                       eat    

Dates to Remember
September 1st: No School
September 4th: No School

September 14th: Fundraiser ends

Thursday, August 24, 2017

August 21st - August 25th

What We Are Learning
How does Daily 5 look and sound?
Building stamina during Read to Self
Three ways to read a book (read the pictures, read the words, & retell a familiar story)
How does Writer’s Workshop look and sound?
District Narrative Writing Prompt
What does Math Workshop look and sound like?
Introduced the following math vocabulary: add, sum, plus, equal, & equation
Building a classroom community
Before you speak, think and be smart. It’s hard to fix a wrinkled heart.

Special Thanks
I want to send out a special thanks to all who donated items from our classroom wish list!  We greatly appreciate your generosity.  These items will help us have a productive year! Feel free to frequently view our classroom website where I will post items throughout the year as we need them.   

Math Homework
First of all, I am not a big supporter of having homework every night.  I am a firm believer that your child has worked hard all day at school, and they need a break at home.  Also, as a mother, I know how important family time is.  Because of this, I will not be making homework mandatory.  It will be sent home but you have the option of completing it with your child.  My hope is that you can use this as a resource to help your child and to understand what we are learning in the classroom. If you complete the homework with your child, that is FANTASTIC! Simply place it back in your kiddo’s folder, and I will celebrate them for continuing to learn at home.

Text Reminders
Make sure you sign up to receive text reminders from me. It will only take a minute to set up!

Dates to Remember
September 1st: No School

September 4th: No School