Friday, September 27, 2013

September 23rd - September 27th

What We Are Learning
Reading: We finally have all Daily Five Literacy Café elements up and running in our classroom! We “gently” jumped into guided reading groups for the year. Students are split up according to their independent reading levels.  While reading in small groups, your child will work on specific comprehension, accuracy, and fluency strategies. As a whole class, we worked on the  Cross Check strategy to help us with accuracy.  Ask your child what that strategy is.
Writing: Your child continues to draft small moment stories. This week we focused on editing our writing to find correct capitalization, end marks, and spelling errors. Ask your child about how M.I.N.T.S help us remember capital letters.
Math: During math this week we continued learning about adding and subtracting numbers using a number line and drawing pictures. We really focused our time on determining the difference between subtraction and addition word problems.

Parent Orientation Night
Save the date October 7th from 6-7 p.m.  in your calendar. WOHE will host an informational night about our new standards based grading system. All the first grade teachers will host a short informational meeting informing you about important classroom information.  Then, you are invited to attend an informational meeting in the Commons hosted my Dr. Bishop on how to read the grade card and look at student progress

Family Message Journals
Today your child will be bringing home a Family Message Journal.  I am so excited about this activity! Read your child’s letter and write them a quick letter back.  Your letter will really mean a lot to him or her!

Word Wall Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Word Wall Words. 
This week’s word wall words:
you   an   can   no    am

Last week’s word wall words:
see   up   at    he   do

Orchard Hills 5K
The Third Annual “Run for the Orchard” 5K Walk/Run will be held October 19, 2013 at Orchard Hills. Can’t wait to see you there!

Dates to Remember
October 7th-  Parent Orientation Night

October 19th- Run for the Orchard 5K

Sunday, September 22, 2013

September 16th - September 20th

What We Are Learning
Reading: This week we added the Listen to Reading element to our Daily Five Literacy Café. Ask your child about our 5 classroom iPads! We also learned two more strategies to help us read accurately.  Ask your child about Skippy the Frog and Stretchy Snake. We also finished DRA testing.  This test tells me your child’s reading level.  
Writing: Your child continues to draft small moment stories. We learned how to stretch out stories by looking at the small details. We focused on how to “unfreeze” characters by giving more information about the characters in the story.
Math: During math this week we continued learning about adding and subtracting numbers using a number line and drawing pictures. We really focused our time on solving subtraction word problems.
Theme: This week we used our Theme time to learn about apples. We made a Johnny Apple Seed book and read about apples in our Scholastic News Magazine.

Orchard Hills 5K
The Third Annual “Run for the Orchard” 5K Walk/Run will be held October 19, 2013 at Orchard Hills. Can’t wait to see you there!

Tiger Pride Assembly
Our first Tiger Pride Assembly is September 25th at 2:30.  Parents are more than welcome to attend! You never know when your child might be recognized for good character, teamwork, academics, or improvement!

Word Wall Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Word Wall Words. 
This week’s word wall words:
see   up   at    he   do

Last week’s word wall words:
and    in   we   it   so

Take Home Folders
Please make sure you read over and sign your child’s Take Home Folder on a nightly basis. This is a great communication tool for you and me. Also, it gives you some insight to how your child’s day was at school. 

Dates to Remember
September 25th- First Tiger Pride Assembly
October 7th- Parent Orientation Night
October 19th- Run for the Orchard 5K

Thursday, September 12, 2013

September 9th - September 13th

What We Are Learning
Reading: This week we added the Word Work element to our Daily Five Literacy Café. Ask your child about all the ways they can practice their word wall words! We also started DRA testing.  This test will tell me your child’s reading level.  
Writing: Your child continues to draft small moment stories. Their stories tell about something they did or something that happened to them. We also learned how to narrow down a story and have a beginning, middle, and end.
Math: During math this week we continued learning about adding and subtracting numbers using a number line. We really focused our time on subtraction this week. Your child learned how to subtract using a number line, drawing pictures, or counting backwards.
Theme: This week we used our Theme time to learn some reading strategies.  Ask your child about Chunky Monkey and Flippy Dolphin.  These two strategies help us read accurately.

Word Wall Words
Each week your child will be introduced to new sight words. Your child’s teacher last year probably called them Popcorn Words.  Willard is moving away from traditional spelling tests.  However, it is VERY important that you review these words with your child each week.  Even though they will not be tested on these words, please have your child practice reading, writing, and spelling them.  How well your child knows these words will be reflected on their grade card each quarter. 
This week’s word wall words:
and    in   we   it   so
Last week’s word wall words:
go    my    on    me    like

Box Tops
We are collecting Box Tops for Education.  For every Box Top you collect and turn into WOHE, we receive ten cents.  The class who brings in the most Box Tops each month gets to celebrate with a party! So cut those tops and return them to school.

Dates to Remember
September 20th- Dismiss at 12:30
September 25th- First Tiger Pride Assembly

October 19th- Run for the Orchard 5K

Friday, September 6, 2013

September 2nd - September 6th

What We Are Learning
Reading: This week we added the Read to Someone element to our Daily Five Literacy Café. Ask your child what it means to sit EEKK! We also continued to work on building stamina so that students are reading and writing completely independently. 
Writing: Your child continues to draft small moment stories. Their stories tell about something they did or something that happened to them. We also learned how to narrow down a story and have a beginning, middle, and end.
Math: During math this week we continued learning about adding and subtracting numbers using a number line.  We also practiced counting and writing numbers to 120.  This is a skill I encourage you all to work on with your child. You can make it fun by using different movements or silly voices.
Theme: We ended our days this week with reading Scholastic Weekly Reader. This is a really cool magazine aimed for first graders. This week focused on how to be a good citizen.

Friendly Reminder
If your child needs to go home a different way than he/she normally does, I must either have a note in the morning, or you must call the office. Please do not leave me an e-mail. I might not get to it until after the students have gone home. I often do not have time to check my email until after school. I want to make sure everyone gets home safely!

Word Wall Words
Each week your child will be introduced to new sight words. Your child’s teacher last year probably called them Popcorn Words.  Willard is moving away from traditional spelling tests.  However, it is VERY important that you review these words with your child each week.  Even though they will not be tested on these words, please have your child practice reading, writing, and spelling them.  How well your child knows these words will be reflected on their grade card each quarter. 
This week’s word wall words:
go    my    on    me    like

Last week’s word wall words:
the   I   to   a   is

Dates to Remember
September 12th  Picture Day
September 20th- Dismiss at 12:30

September 25th- First Tiger Pride Assembly