Thursday, September 28, 2017

September 25th - September 29th

What We Are Learning
“Eagle Eye” reading strategy (use the pictures to solve tricky words)
“Lips the Fish” reading strategy (get your mouth read and say the first sound)
“Chunky Monkey” reading strategy (finding parts in words we know)
DRA Reading Assessments

Word Work:
Word Wall Words: this, his, they, at, be
Digraph: “wh”
Word Family: _am
Writing small moment/true stories
Ways to spell tricky words

Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract within 1
Adding and subtracting on a number line
Adding and subtracting using doubles facts (3 + 3)
Adding and subtracting using near doubles facts (3 + 4)
Using addition facts to solve subtraction facts

Apple experiment
Making prediction and observing

Fall Carnival
Our second WOHE fall carnival is quickly approaching! To help with the supplies that we will need to make the carnival a success, first grade is asking for donations for a “Family Fun Night” themed basket that will be auctioned off. We are also asking for Little Debbie or Hostess-like snack cakes to use for the cake walk game. If you can donate any of these items, feel free to just send them in your kiddos backpack! Thank you all so much for your support!

Community Time
Just wanted to update you on our assemblies this year. Instead of having a monthly Tiger Pride Assembly where every grade level gives out PAWS awards, we will be having Community Time assemblies every Monday morning at 8:40. At Community Time, only one or two grade levels will give out awards. So, first grade will be passing out their PAWS awards on the first Mondays of the month. That means our turn has finally arrived! I will send a note in your child’s folder or an e-mail, when you kiddo will be recognized!  I will definitely have a hard time deciding who to recognize! We are all working SO hard this year!

Dates to Remember
October 3rd: Fundraiser Limo Ride Day
October 6th: WOHE Fall Carnival
October 12th: All Pro Dad’s Breakfast

Thursday, September 14, 2017

September 11th - September 15th

What We Are Learning
How does “Listen to Reading” during Daily 5 look and sound?
Building stamina during “Read to Self,” “Word Work,” “Work on Writing,” & “Read to Someone”

Word Work:
Word Wall Words: with, was, for, are, on
Digraph: “sh”
Word Family: _ap

Writing small moment/true stories
Good writers add more to their pictures, more to their words, and use a writer’s checklist

Topic 2: Fluently Add and Subtract within 1
Adding and subtracting on a number line
Adding and subtracting using doubles facts (3 + 3)
Adding and subtracting using near doubles facts (3 + 4)

Fall Wonder Table
How to ask questions like a scientist
How to observe nature like a scientist

This week your kiddo came home with information about a website called Raz-Kids in their take home folder. This is a great website that allows your child to have access to hundreds of eBooks. You can also download a free app for your iPad/iPhone or Android device as well.

User Name: Orchard1b

Happy Reading!

Fall Wonder Table
Last week I send home a letter requesting fall items to place on our Wonder Table.  These can be pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc. These items will help us learn about observing, asking questions, and investigating answers.

Dates to Remember
September 19th: Picture Day
October 3rd: Fundraiser Limo Ride Day
October 6th: WOHE Fall Carnival

October 12th: All Pro Dad’s Breakfast

Thursday, September 7, 2017

September 4th - September 8th

What We Are Learning
How does Word Work during Daily 5 look and sound?
Building stamina for reading
Readers think about what they already know before they begin to read
Readers add to their schema as they read
Word Work:
Word Wall Words: he, is, that, you, & it
Digraph: ch
Word Family: _at
Writing small moment/true stories
Good writers add more to their pictures, more to their words, and use a writer’s checklist
Topic 1: Solve Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10
Review and Topic 1 test
How to handle conflict
What to do when someone is bugging you

Reading Levels
I have had a few different parents ask about their kiddos reading level, so I wanted to let everyone know that in first grade we spend the first four weeks of school establishing routines and building students’ stamina to be able to work independently. This way we can successfully have reading groups. Your kiddo has not yet been assessed on their reading level this year. We will do the reading assessments starting the week of September 18th.  At that time, I can give you more specific information about how your kiddo is doing in reading. Until then, it would be very beneficial to work with your kiddo on the sight words in their take home folders and read together every day.

Fall Wonder Table
This week I send home a letter requesting fall items to place on our Wonder Table.  These can be pumpkins, gourds, fall leaves, etc. These items will help us learn about observing, asking questions, and investigating answers.

Parent / Community Newsletter
 Check out the parent/community newsletter Orchard Hills Updates on our Facebook page. It has updates from each grade level as well as notes from Dr. Prevo and upcoming events.

Dates to Remember
September 14th: Fundraiser ends
September 19th: Picture Day
October 3rd: Fundraiser limo ride day
October 6th: WOHE Fall Carnival

October 12th: All Pro Dad’s Breakfast

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


I’m extremely happy to inform you all that our class has earned a classroom celebration for awesome behavior! We voted on several activities we would like our reward to be.  The majority of the class chose to wear their pajamas to school. On Thursday, September 7th, your child is invited to wear their most comfortable pjs and bring a SMALL stuffed animal to school. So, congratulate your child on their awesome behavior and encourage them to keep up the good work.