Thursday, November 17, 2016

November 14th - November 18th

What We Are Learning
Identifying and knowing the purpose of nonfiction text features: headings, table of content, glossary, captions, labels, and maps
Word Work:
Popcorn Words: made, over, did, & down
Word Family: _ug
Controlled R- ir, ur, & er
Nonfiction Writing/Teaching Books
Writing introductions for our books
How to be a strong speller
Unit 4 review and assessment
First Thanksgiving
Cornucopia project
Placemat project
Thanksgiving feast in classroom

Happy Thanksgiving
I am so grateful for each one of you and for the opportunity to get to work with your amazing kiddo! Have a great holiday and a great break! 

Pictures and Videos
I upload three Veteran’s Day videos of the kiddos performing on our classroom blog (see below).  I also plan on uploading pictures of our Thanksgiving feast this weekend.  Feel free to visit the blog and check them out!

Fall Weather
I know it is hard to believe, but fall weather is coming!  Please make sure your child is properly dressed for outside recess. We will go out every day as long as the weather is 32 degrees or above and the wind-chill is 25 degrees or above. There is a strong wind that blows across the playground.  Your child needs to have a jacket, so they can enjoy recess comfortably!

Tiger Pride Assembly
On November 30th, we will have our third Tiger Pride Assembly. Come and enjoy the fun!

Dates to Remember
November 23rd-25th: Thanksgiving Break
December 21st: Early Dismiss at 12:30
December 2nd- January 4th: Christmas Break

April 20th: Field Trip to the Nature Center

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

October 31st - November 3rd

What We Are Learning
Character traits-inside vs. outside
Evidence from text for character traits: character’s feelings, actions, thoughts, dialogue, etc.
Word Work:
Popcorn Words: some, has, her, like, & him
Word Family: _ot
Controlled R- “or”
Nonfiction Writing/Teaching Books
Writing introductions for our books
How to be a strong speller
Subtracting on a number line
Using known addition facts to figure out subtraction equations
Making 10 to subtract
Veterans Day writing and soldier craft

Thank you all for taking the time out of your busy schedules to come and discuss your child’s progress with me.  I really enjoyed visiting with everyone.  If you were unable to make it this week, I would love to reschedule for another day.

This week I sent home a note describing a wonderful program called Book-It. If your child reads 10 books then they get a FREE personal pan pizza from Pizza Hut.  To help your child read good fit books, I will also send home several paper books on your child’s reading level. Please read these books with your child and have them fill out the Reading Record.  Also, your child can visit Raz-Kids online to access books on their level as well.
User Name: Orchard1b

Fall Break
Don’t forget that we do not have school on November 4th, 7th, and 8th! Enjoy this time with your kiddo.

Dates to Remember
November 4th, 7th, & 8th: No School
November 11th: Veteran’s Day Assembly
November 23rd-25th: Thanksgiving Break
April 20th: Field Trip to the Nature Center