Thursday, August 30, 2018

August 27th - August 31st

What We Are Learning
Reading: Setting up Daily 5 reading structure
·         How to do “Work on Writing”
·         Continuing to build reading and writing stamina
·         What writers write
·         Spelling strategies for unknown words

Word Work
  • Sight words: the, of, and, in, to
  • Word family: -at    Blend/Digraph: ch
  • Strategy: Writing one word or each word said

Writing: Narrative Genre/Stories from our Lives
·         Introducing narrative genre and differentiating between true and fake details
·         Steps to planning a book
·         How to share and listen during Author’s Chair
Math: Unit 1-lessons 6-8
·         Solving addition and subtraction problems within 10 using various strategies and knowing equations are made up of“part, part, whole”
·       Counting on
·       Missing addends
·       Putting together
·       Taking from
·         Introduction to math stations for fluency practice

Theme: Growth Mindset
·      Determining the difference between a fixed and growth mindset
·      There is no “can’t”, but there is “I can’tyet”
·      Goal setting for something we can’t do YET

Family Photo
I would love to have every student bring a small family photo to display in our classroom.  This will help your kiddo feel more at home, and I know they will be super excited to show off their family.

Math Homework
I am not a big supporter of having homework every night.  I am a firm believer that your child has worked hard all day at school, and they need a break at home.  Also, as a mother, I know how important family time is.  Because of this, I will not be making homework mandatory. It will be sent home but you have the option of completing it with your child.

 My hope is that you can use this as a resource to help your child and to understand what we are learning in the classroom. If you complete the homework with your child, that is FANTASTIC! Simply place it back in your kiddo’s folder, and I will celebrate them for continuing to learn at home

Dates to Remember
August 31st September 3rd: No School
September 21st- Willard Homecoming Parade (all students attend by bus) and dismiss at 12:30
October 5th WOHE Fall Carnival  

Thursday, August 23, 2018

August 20th - August 24th

What We Are Learning
Reading: Reading: Setting up Daily 5 reading structure
·        How to do “Read to Self”
·        How to build our stamina
·        3 ways to read a book

Writing: Setting up Writer’s Workshop Structure
·        How to set yourself up for successful writing by picking a good spot to work
·        Using what we love as inspiration for writing topics and stories
·        Decorating writing folders with inspirational visuals
·        How to share and listen during Author’s Chair

Math: Unit 1-lessons 1-5
·        Solving addition and subtraction problems within 10 using various strategies and knowing equations are made up of “part, part, whole”
·          Counting on
·          Missing addends
·          Putting together
·          Taking from

Theme: Helpful vs. Hurtful Words
·        The difference between helpful and hurtful words
·        Why the words we choose are important in our classroom

Snack Time
In 1st grade, we do not have an official “snack time”, but I do allow students to have a snack if they bring one or have leftovers from their lunchbox at the end of the day.

Family Photo

I would love to have every student bring a small family photo to display in our classroom.  This will help your kiddo feel more at home, and I know they will be super excited to show off their family.

Special Class Schedule
Monday- Computers
Tuesday- Music
Wednesday- Art
Thursday- Library.

Special Thanks
I want to send out a special thanks to all who donated items from our classroom wish list!  We greatly appreciate your generosity.  These items will help us have a productive year! Feel free to frequently view our classroom website where I will post items throughout the year as we need them.   

Dates to Remember
August 31st September 3rd: No School
September 21st- Willard Homecoming Parade (all students attend by bus) and dismiss at 12:30
October 5th WOHE Fall Carnival  

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Useful Classroom Information

Hello First Grade Families!  We had an absolutely amazing first two days! I have been
so impressed with how responsible and respectful everyone has been!  How did I get
so lucky?!

Now that the craziness of the first week is over,  I thought I would send out a quick
email with some useful classroom information.

Math Homework

I am not a big supporter of having homework every night.  I am a firm believer that
your child has worked hard all day at school, and they need a break at home.  Also,
as a mother, I know how important family time is. Because of this, I will not be making
homework mandatory.  It will be sent home but you have the option of completing it
with your child. My hope is that you can use this as a resource to help your child and
to understand what we are learning in the classroom. If you complete the homework
with your child, that is FANTASTIC! Simply place it back in your kiddo’s folder, and
I will celebrate them for continuing to learn at home.

Also, you will notice that your child will be coming home with a lot less math papers
than they did in kindergarten.  Now that they are big enough to locate the page
numbers themselves, we will be keeping most of the papers we do inside our math
books.  I will tear out only their homework pages and math assessments. The math
homework will keep you up to date with the math concepts we are studying.

Snack Time
We do not have a traditional snack time in first grade.  However, I know that their
little tummies get super hungry by the end of the day.  Your child is invited to bring
an individual snack to enjoy while I read our chapter book at the end of the day.  
This could also be an item from their lunch box that was leftover. If they do not
bring a snack, it will not be a big deal.  They will simply enjoy hearing the chapter
book without a snack. Let me know if you have any questions!

Water Bottles
Your kiddo is welcome to bring WATER to school in a water bottle. I will just have
them keep it safe in his/her cubby.

Monday Early Release
Every Monday, WOHE releases at 3:00, so teachers can participate in professional

Take Home Folders
Your kiddo will come home EVERY day with a green Take Home Folder. In this folder
you will find important notes, your child’s work, and your child’s behavior chart.  
Please check these folders each night, take out what needs to stay at home, and
send them back to school the next day. Also, they are responsible for signing it,
placing papers inside, and then putting it inside their backpack.  Please be a little
patient. :) It sometimes takes them a little while to remember all of the
responsibilities while packing up every day.

Family Photo
I would love to have every student bring a small family photo to display in
our classroom.  This will help your kiddo feel more at home, and I know they
will be super excited to show off their family to their new friends.

If you are not receiving emails from me, let me know.  I will have the ladies in
the office update your email address.