Wednesday, December 10, 2014

December 8th - December 12th

What We Are Learning
Reading:  This week we learned how to summarize stories we read. We practiced summarizing several holiday books.  Ask your child which one they enjoyed the most.
Alphabet: We focused on the sounds the letters Cc, Ee, Yy, Dd, & Uu make.  We also learned that the letters Cc, Ee, and Uu have three sounds and the letter Yy has four sounds!
Writing:  We continued to learn how to publish our narrative stories.  We made sure that they had a beginning, middle, and end.  We also made sure that we had correct spaces, capitalization, and punctuation.  When we had all parts, we created a cover to go with our story!
Math: During math this week, we were very busy.  We continued to practice the difference between addition and subtraction story problems.  We also solved number bond problems (example: _+_ =5). Number bonds are a challenging concept.  Practice his skill with your child.
Theme: We finished our unit on gingerbread.  We decorated our own gingerbread man using real candy and then wrote words to describe it.  We taste tested gingerbread cookies and created a graph using the data. We also conducted a science experiment asking the following question: “Why didn’t the gingerbread man want to get wet?” Ask your child what happened!

Classroom Pictures
I have uploaded even more pictures onto our classroom blog. Click on the Classroom Pictures tab to see some of the fun things that have been going on in our classroom.

Holiday Party
Our Holiday Party is scheduled for December 19th at 9:00. Here is the tentative schedule for that morning:

9:00-9:20 Snack in the Commons
9:25-10:30 Games and Craft in the Classroom
10:30-10:45 Cleanup and Quiet Time
10:45-11:30 Tiger Pride Assembly

Come and enjoy the fun!

Popcorn Words
Please practice reading, writing, and spelling our Popcorn Words.
This week’s words:
said & are
Previous words:
got, get, it, on, had, has, he, do, look, in, like, and, a, up, at, I, see, am, we, to, the, is, my, can, me, & go

Ronald McDonald House
Mrs. McKinney’s class is collecting items for the Ronald McDonald House, and I want our class to help! Here is a list of items that you can donate to help this great program:
Magic Erasers         
Snack size food
Small Trash Bags        
Travel size toothpaste
K-cups (all varieties)     
Toilet Bowl Brushes
Clorox Wipes     
Furniture polish
Disinfecting/bleach spray cleaner

Dates to Remember
December 19th: Holiday Party 9:00
December 19th: Tiger Pride Assembly 10:45
December 19th: Dismiss at 12:30
December 20th-January 4th: Winter Break

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